Sunday 27 July 2014

Edit #2

So... I am a little behind, but still on track.

I edited on the computer the story and now I have printed it and I am ready for Draft 2: edit 2. Hopefully, throughout the editing process it gets less and less until I cannot fix anything else. I wrote my cover letter today, but that needs A LOT of editing. I put everything I want to put in it, not its just to fix it up and make it sound more professional. I am always worried that because, although I am an adult, I am younger and that people will feel I am incapable of being professional, which is not the case. I know how to be.

So, I have everything written out, now I just need to fix everything up and hopefully send it off soon. I still feel that the story needs a little more punch. It doesn't feel capturing enough, so hopefully that changes with edit 2.

The real issues I am having is the drawing. I am not a bad drawer, but I am not the best and it takes me a long time to draw ONE picture, I am nervous that after I get them all done, they will not be good enough and I will restart. We will have to see. I could also change the style of drawing as well, to make it less detailed and easier.

This is a short entry, but I was excited about finishing the cover letter, so I figured I would send it on here!


I'll keep you updated.


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