Wednesday 9 July 2014

New to This

So... this whole Blog thing is new, but seems interesting so I figure why not give it try. Do I introduce who I am? Or is that something I let other's figure out?

I am a boring person really, but sometimes life can get really interesting depending on who is in it. There are different explorations, ideas and people just around the corner, but sometimes we have to look. I enjoy knowledge, learning new things and trying new things. I started this at a very young age, and here is where the adventure begins.

When I was 12 years old I sent my manuscript, of a small picture book that I had written, off for publication. Of course, given the fact that I was so young, it never got accepted because it was 'too much stress to put on a young child'. Which we all know what that means right? It sucked. So I gave up on it, felt that I didn't have the talent that publishing companies wanted. But, as corny as this is going to sound, there was always an empty part in me, I still really enjoyed to write. So, I just wrote. I have a collection of children's stories, horror stories, gore stories (because horror and gore are two completely different genres if you ask me, one makes you fidget, the other just makes you puke). I just collected them. Huh, imagine that, I collected my own stories, weirdo. Anyway, so I put them aside, always thinking about one day maybe I would become a writer, but it was just a dream in my head. Nothing that could actually happen to someone like me. I grew up, sorta, and realized, as this may sound conceited, you know what, I might actually have some talent, maybe not a whole lot, but some. So here I am, quite a few years later, and not 12 anymore, and I am thinking about starting it back up again. Start writing again and SENDING it out to publishing companies that might accept my manuscripts or that might not. But how to we know that something CAN happen if we don't LET it happen. Writing, especially children's stories, is important, because when children read them, it is more than just standing up in a class and directing to the child on what they should learn. It is letting the child figure it out, for themselves, which, in my own opinion, helps them learn about life that much better.

So, I wrote my first draft of a completely NEW story, children's story, because my old stuff, it might be useful one day, but today is not that day. I have to edit it and change things up and all that fun and fancy stuff, but I will send it out. And we will see what happens, if they reject it, well I will keep editing it, make it that much more perfect and send it to a new one. I am not going to give up on a dream, because no matter who tells you that dreams don't come true, I always think "hey, they must be lying just to save all the dream catching to themselves". Let's change that.

So, here I am, sitting at this computer, ready to start a new adventure, a doodlebug adventure. Without letting anything get in my way this time.

I'll keep you updated.


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