Sunday 20 July 2014

It's been a while

So... I think it has been a while since my last post on the blog. I have been busy correcting, editing and such. I think the story is finally complete and perfect, in my own eyes, to be sent off. Now the task at hand it to write a cover letter that captivates; however, keeps a professional stance. This will be difficult. I will be sending to one publisher at a time; although, some might see that as taking my own sweet time, I don't want to get in the pickle, if I am accepted, of being accepted in two places, that would end tragically. Thus, the first publishing company I will send it to on Friday, I hope, if everything is done and I get the guts to do it. I am so scared that story isn't good enough. I tried really hard to captivate my audience, as well as teach them something valuable through the knowledge of reading. Reading has become so impossible to get kids to do these days because nothing interests them, so hopefully I can contribute to both helping them love to read through this and through what profession I am studying in. I never mentioned that did I? I am currently studying in University to become an elementary school teacher. I feel it is important for children to learn at a young age in order to captivate their love of learning in order to succeed in further education. Everything always starts at the base!

Anywho, so, so far, I have written the story, found a publishing company I can send to, and drew the first page in my book... 10 more to go! The picture took me an hour and a half!! For one picture! but it was pretty detailed and I wanted to get it as perfect as possible and having my perfectionist personality, well that never happened! Now the task either at hand AT THE MOMENT or tomorrow after work will be to write the cover letter. Once that is written, it must be proof read and probably changed up a little bit. Then everything gets sent out! It's nerve racking, you would never think so, but it seems even more scary sending this out as an adult, rather then when I was twelve. At twelve, apparently I didn't know what rejection felt like yet!

Along with all of this, I make my schedule at University next week! It's my first year actually in University. The way it works here is that you have to a do a 2 year pre-University post-secondary before going to University. I am nervous for that as well, but publishing this book would make the University experience that much better because I would probably be happy throughout my whole University experience.

I am truly hoping that this will go well! We will see.

I'll keep you updated.


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